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Perimeter, Area, and Circumference
Finding Fomulas

Overview of Lesson: Once the students have come to full understand the meaning of area and perimeter, the class will then explore the formulas for finding area and perimeter at www.math.com. The students will practice computing area and perimeter using some of their newly learned formulas for the square and the rectangle.



(See Standards Link for Complete Standards)

Number Sense and Operations- 6.N.13

Patterns, Relations, and Algebra- 6.P.2

Geometry- 6.G.1

Measurement- 6.M.1, 6.M.4


(See Standards Link for Complete Standards)

Basic Operations and Concepts- 1.1, 1.3

Social, Ethical, and Human Issues- 2.5

Technology Productivity Tools- 3.2

Student Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students will be able find the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles using the following formulas. Square- area = s2 and Perimeter = 4s. Rectangle- Area = l x w and Perimeter = 2l + 2w

Lesson 3 of 9

Length of Lesson: 45 Minutes

Instructional Mode: Whole Class, Independent Activity

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal

Essential Questions:

What are the formulas to find area and perimeter of a square?

What are the formulas to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle?

How do you apply these formulas with the known information to calculate

area and perimeter?

Materials/Resources Needed:

    1. Presentation Model
    2. Computers for students
    3. Practice Worksheets

Instructional Strategies/Procedure:

    1. Students will open Internet Explorer and go to the Math.com web site available at http://www.math.com/tables.htm
    2. Students will look at the third block in the table and click on "Perimeter" which is the last option in that block.
    3. Once to the "Perimeter Formulas" page, as a class, the students and teacher will explore the page and discuss various formulas that are listed. It is important to allow the students to view all of the different formulas listed but then tell them which ones they are responsible for knowing.
    4. The students will be responsible for knowing the perimeter formulas of a square, rectangle, triangle, and eventually the circle, but not at this point in the unit.
    5. After discussing the formulas that the students are responsible for knowing, together as a class, read the "Units" section at the bottom of the page. Discuss with the students why it is crucial to only add similar units.
    6. Allow the students to keep the web page open and try calculating perimeter using the appropriate formulas. The students should practice with examples given on the Practice Worksheet.
    7. When all the students have completed these examples, they should click on the "Back" navigation button in the tool bar to go back to the Math.com homepage.
    8. Next they will click on the areas link in the same block as the perimeter link just visited.
    9. Once to the "Area Formulas" page, as a class, the students and teacher will explore the page and discuss various formulas that are listed. It is important to allow the students to view all of the different formulas listed but then tell them which ones they are responsible for knowing.
    10. The students will be responsible for knowing the area formulas of a square, rectangle, and eventually the triangle and circle, but not at this point in the unit.
    11. After discussing the formulas that the students are responsible for knowing, together as a class, read the "Units" section at the bottom of the page. Discuss with the students why when measuring area of a figure it is always measured in square units.
    12. Allow the students to keep the web page open and try calculating perimeter using the appropriate formulas. The students should practice with examples given on the Practice Worksheet.
    13. When students have completed all of the examples on the practice worksheet, the sheets will be collected and graded as part of the assessment and evidence that student learning has occurred.

Assessment: The students will be assessed on how well they are now able to apply the formulas to all previous knowledge. They will be asked to calculate some basic areas and perimeters using the formulas they learned in this lesson.

Evidence that Student Learning Occurred: The worksheets that the students complete at the end of the lesson can be graded to assess how well they can apply the learned formulas. They will be asked to calculate area and perimeter of various squares and rectangles.

Technology Skills Required or Developed: Students again will need to be able to use Internet Explorer (or an equivalent web browser). They will need to be able to successfully navigate the formulas web site.


Math.com. (2000). Area Formulas. Available: http://www.math.com/tables/geometry/areas/htm [2002, March 23].

Math.com. (2000). Perimeter Formulas. Available: http://www.math.com/tables/geometry/perimeter/htm [2002, March 23].

Practice Worksheet- Perimeter and Area

Student Work- Finding Formulas